07494 709202
B.Ed (HONS) - Primary Education
Sam has over 25 years experience of working in both primary and secondary education, including Alternative Provision Schools (APS). She has held various roles from class teacher to Headteacher, as well as a Maths/Teaching & Learning Consultant across Gloucestershire.
Since the age of 11, Sam knew she wanted to be a teacher, after her primary Headteacher inspired her. For The Child has arisen from the passion Sam has gained from her wealth of experience, her drive to help all children, especially in safeguarding and an in-depth understanding of behaviours and trauma (ACE's - Adverse Childhood Experiences), along with her SEND knowledge. "Behaviour is communication" and Sam uses this as the mantra when working with adults, both for them to recognise what a child is trying to tell us, and also how we, as adults, behave and the impact this has on children.
Sam has a proven record to build positive relationships with whomever she is working and this enables her to get the best from you. She has demonstrated her ability to work collaboratively with other professionals, including Social Services, Police and the NHS.
Sam works from her home, based in Gloucestershire, whilst looking after her twin boys, one of whom is deaf and has been since birth. Sam's passion for the child is mirrored in everything she does from being a safeguarding governor, to a Founder for support groups for parents of premature and sick babies, and an active volunteer on the Neonatal Unit at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital. She is also a trustee for GDA (Gloucestershire Deaf Association). Her involvement outside of education demonstrates her drive to help children right from the moment they are born.